A Full Service Janitorial Company

Chemical Free Cleaning

Nothing matters more than our clients, and when they hire us for the second, or third (or tenth) time, we know we’re doing something right. When people know they can rely on our professional service, that’s when great business relationships are formed.

Carpet Before & After

We had a client who had blood in his carpet that had set in for many years. He bet us we couldn’t get it out – he lost! This is some of the best work we’ve done so far, and we’re happy to do the same for you. Let us know if we can help you out. We’re committed to fostering beneficial and long lasting relationships with our clients by always striving to be the best cleaning company we can. While the particular needs of our clients may vary, our experienced team never fails to get the job done right.

Cabinet Before & After

These are before and after photos of oak cabinets that we steam cleaned on a house that was being rehabbed. Our clients weren’t sure if they were going to be able to save the cabinets or if they were going to have to incur the expense of replacing them, but we managed to preserve the wood and save them the cost of replacing the cabinets. This is a shining example of how our service has evolved to the high standard we currently hold ourselves to. It really highlighted our collective work ethic, and the adjustments we can make in order to accommodate a client. Nothing is too much for us to handle, or too small to push aside.

Ceramic Tile Before & After

We love when we exceed our customer’s expectations. Some think they’ll never see unstained carpet or scratch-free wood again, or in the case of this customer, gleaming white ceramic tiles. Who knew these pearly whites were buried under all that grime!

Flooring Before & After

Never underestimate what a floor stripping and waxing can do to the appearance of floors. A quick weekend job took these floors from dingy to gleaming.


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